Board Members Needed

We are looking for volunteers for Park and Recreation Board, Board of Adjustments and Planning and Zoning. Park and Recreation Board meet once per month. Board of Adjustments and Planning and Zoning meet when needed. If you are interested in joining one of these boards, please contact City Hall at 563-264-1748 for more information.

Shared Use Path Plans

The plans for Phase 2 of the Shared Use Path can be accessed at the following link: Shared Use Path Plans. The plans are for resident information only and are not to be used for construction bidding.

Letts Public Library Cards

Applications for library cards are available at City Hall or at the following link: Library Card Application

A Growing Community

Located in southern Muscatine county, the City of Fruitland is an excellent place to call home. With a population of 963, Fruitland is the fastest growing city in Muscatine county, and one of the fastest growing cities in the state of Iowa.

Nearby cities include Muscatine, Quad Cities, Iowa City, and Burlington.

On our website you will find meeting agendas and minutes, city ordinances, reservation schedules for both the park and Community Center, notices of upcoming events, and more.